Wondering what to expect after LASIK? That is a very valid question that many patients want to know the answer to when deciding whether LASIK is right for them.

Right after LASIK eye surgery, your eyes may itch, burn, or feel as if there is something in your eyes. Some patients report feeling mild discomfort to moderate pain. Your surgeon may recommend taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Another common side effect immediately after LASIK is excessive tears or watery eyes.

So, you want to know if LASIK corrective eye surgery is worth it?

Good News: We have the answer to all your questions below.

How long will my vision be blurry after LASIK?

There are several reasons why vision will be blurry after receiving LASIK eye surgery.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons for Blurry Vision after corrective eye surgery:

  1. Keratoconus Spectrum – Keratoconus is a congenital Corneal disorder that causes continual thinning of the cornea, causing an astigmatism. Individuals with this condition are never qualified candidates for LASIK. That said, there are currently no valid tests to confirm whether or not a person has this disorder. The only way to know whether or not you suffer from Keratoconus is risk stratification. If it runs in your family, you are better off undergoing PRK or no corneal surgery at all.
  2. Presbyopia – As we age, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible resulting in weakening near-sighted vision. Presbyopia is the main reason individuals over 40 often need to use reading glasses or bifocals. Eye surgeons will perform a type of LASIK known as Monovision LASIK, where one eye is corrected for near vision and the other for distance.
  3. Cataracts – This is a common reason for blurry vision. A clouding of the lens associated with vision problems such as glare, haze or starbursts. This problem can be solved with Cataract surgery.
  4. Progressive Myopia – If your nearsighted vision problems progress after receiving LASIK, an extra procedure may be required to correct it.
  5. Farsightedness – Unfortunately, LASIK performed on farsighted individuals is much more difficult than treating nearsightedness. Most patients who suffer from farsightedness will need an enhancement surgery.
  6. Dry Eyes – Because LASIK creates a flap in the cornea, it will temporarily disrupt the creation of tears. This will fade as your eyes heal. In the meantime, the use of eyedrops can help minimize symptoms of dry eye.
  7. Extra Large Pupils – As we age, our pupils decrease in size. Some doctors say large pupils may increase the risk of blurry vision in patients.
  8. Diabetes – If you have Diabetes, an elevation in blood sugars can change your eye prescription. That is why many eye surgeons are hesitant to perform LASIK on individuals with Diabetes. Luckily, if you are able to control your blood sugar levels for an extended period of time, you may be eligible for LASIK.
  9. Macular Degeneration – The risk of the disease Macular Degeneration increases with age. This can cause blurry vision, along with other side-effects.
  10. Other Eye Diseases – LASIK patients are still at risk for other eye diseases that can blind or decrease vision.

Do you need reading glasses after LASIK?

LASIK eye corrective surgery does not guarantee you will never need to use reading glasses again. As we age, the need for reading glasses increase. However, for some patients, LASIK has eliminated the need to use reading glasses.

How long after LASIK can you swim?

You may be wondering, how long after LASIK can I go swimming? Doctors suggest waiting at least 7 days before swimming in a chlorinated pool. If you are swimming in a natural body of water, such as the ocean, you must wait at least 30 days.

Can I watch TV after LASIK?

Since your eyes are going through a healing period, it is recommended to wait for at least 24 hours after LASIK to watch TV. Watching TV immediately after the procedure can cause strain on the eyes, which will negatively affect the healing process.

How long after LASIK can I see 20 20?

Many patients who have received LASIK are able to see 20/20 within a week. That said, eye surgeons say to wait at least 3 months before considering any additional vision correction treatments. The body heals at its own rate, being patient during this time is vital.


Okay, I know what you’re thinking.

Sounds like a lot of side effects, right? No doubt about it. However, the final results outweigh all potential risks involved. Most people who receive corrective eye surgery will tell you that it has significantly improved their quality of life. LASIK has not only advanced, but also evolved tremendously over the last decade. Experienced eye surgeons state that the chances of any complications stemming from LASIK surgery are less than 1%.

Now, that’s impressive!